I live in Seattle but I am from Ghana, in Seattle by way of Washington, DC. So I have heard music. All kinds. I have been to all kinds of bars, clubs, and concerts. I appreciate good dance music - no matter where it comes or what language the lyrics. Therefore, I listen to them all - seriously - I have own Van Halen's '1984
So DJ Arafat is now my most resent discovery in the "who? But I love it!" category of my music collection. This rising star hails from Ivory Coast by way of Paris and his sound is one of the most popular in just about every major dance spot in Paris, and, at most nightclubs in Africa's major cities. One of the pioneers of the Coupe Decale
Also available on amazon.com: Gladiator
*DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any injuries sustained while listening to DJ Arafat's music!